Hawaiʻi Fine Art Landscape Photography



Exploring the Majestic Wilds of the Hawaiian Islands


The Hawaiian Island chain is the most isolated archipelago on Earth, made up of eight major volcanic islands, several atolls, and numerous smaller islets in the North Pacific Ocean. With the world’s largest active volcano on the Big Island, some of the biggest surf on the north shore of Maui, the Earth’s most abundant rainfall in the valleys of Kaua’i, and the world’s tallest sea cliffs on Moloka’i, these islands hold topological and elemental wonders that provide endless creative inspiration. For over a decade, I’ve been fortunate to create fine art photography across these incredible landscapes.

The Na Pali Coast of Kauaʻi

Enlighten” from the Bird’s Eye View print series

Award-Winning Hawaiʻi Fine Art Photography

Since 2009, I’ve explored almost every island of Hawaiʻi, studying their geography, weather patterns, and changing direction of light amongst the landscapes I’ve been most inspired to document. As the winds and rain vary so much throughout the year, some of my artworks can take several months or even years to create. Careful observation, patience, and intuition are what help craft the top 1% of images I capture and become part of my Hawaii fine art photography series. When all the optimal conditions occur, it’s very gratifying to watch the elements of nature align and see my artistic visions come to life. Creating award-winning imagery really is about being in the right place at the right time.

Tides of Gold

From my Ocean Therapy fine art series

The elements of Hawai’i are what truly make these landscapes feel so alive. Receiving up to 450 inches of rainfall per year, the islands’ volcanic slopes flow with abundant fresh water, cascading through countless waterfalls before reaching the Pacific Ocean. Not only does this carve the land and create the dramatic grandeur of places like the Na Pali Coast, but it also provides our islands with such a unique and lush collection of flora that cover the land with life and beauty. Yet over on the Big Island, the inexorable eruptions of lava destroy and create new land, leaving you in awe and wonder about how much transformation each island has endured.

The 2022 volcanic eruption of Mauna Loa


From the Emerging Earth award-winning print series.

Preserving the Natural Beauty

& Native Ecosystems of Hawaiʻi

My reverence for creative expression and wilderness preservation has led me to spectacular locations across Hawai‘i through continued work and support with numerous environmental organizations. At the heart of my fine art practice is documenting these majestic wilds that are still left to be found in the Hawaiian islands, preserving their natural beauty through visual arts and conservation efforts. The wilds remind us of the indispensable elements and natural rhythms of life. They are intrinsic to our well-being. In a world of modern development and technology, our connection with nature is more imperative than ever.


From my Spirits of the Sea award-winning series

Despite the incredible natural beauty of Hawaiʻi – and some of the highlights of my career documenting the biggest waves in ten years, as well as Mauna Loa’s first eruption in 38 years – I’ve learned in my time here that there is kuleana, or a responsibility that comes with living here. While we all love and appreciate this beauty, living in the most isolated archipelago on Earth requires a deeper understanding for the surrounding natural environments and how much we rely on them for the health of our island communities.

“Sacred Garden”

From the Jungles & Forests limited-edition print series

In just the 14 years that I’ve been in Hawai’i, I’ve seen a lot change. Increased population, new and unwanted development, higher costs of living, unethical water diversion, and the the enforcement of strict rules & regulations for our state and national parks all continues to unfold with the growing demand and desire to live here. With the unfortunate circumstances creating more hardship for our native people and long-time residents, I feel more and more responsibility to preserve the natural beauty of the islands’ wilderness and share the stories of their significance of why we need to protect these natural resources.

“The most powerful aspect of Hawai’i is not our incredible natural beauty or rich culture - it’s the deep relationship between the two.” - Hawai’i Tourism Authority

Flow of Life

From my Fresh Water Therapy limied-edition print series

In Hawai’i, wai or water is our most precious resource. The health of our watershed systems is vital to support all life here.


As my love and appreciation for Hawaiʻi continues to grow through my fine art practice, so do my dreams of giving back to this place that provides us with so much. Your support for my art continues to allow for contribution to essential conservation work through personal efforts and several local environmental organizations. It’s our way of giving back to help malama (take care) and restore balance to this incredible land that sustains us.

Cody Roberts